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SQL / C++ Tutorial using sqlwrapped

12. Using the generated source code

PreviousNextIndex The generated library contains three classes; db::Player, db::Resource, and db::Playerresource. Each class will have a few "default" constructors, taking as the first parameter a pointer to the Database object. For the primary key and every unique index constructors will also be generated, to make it easy to spawn objects from the database. These constructors will take a Database object reference as the first input parameter. Here are a few examples on how to spawn a Player object.
#include <sqlite3.h> #include <libsqlitewrapped.h> #include <libtutorialdb.h> int main() { StderrLog log; Database db("tutorial.db", &log); // sqlite3 specific // create empty object db::Player empty(&db); // spawn using sql statement db::Player anders(&db, "select * from player where name='Anders'"); // spawn using primary key db::Player grymse(db, 2); // spawn using unique index db::Player lorangrym(db, "Lorangrym"); }
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