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SQL / C++ Tutorial using sqlwrapped

11. Generating source code

PreviousNextIndex Included in the Makefile are two targets, db_mysql and db_sqlite3, that will prepare sql dumps from each database and then call sql2class to generate the source code. Here are the commands to dump and invoke sql2class for a MySQL database.
$ mysqldump tutorialdb > str-tutorialdb $ sql2class -build -lib libtutorialdb str-tutorialdb -namespace db -overwrite $
Here's the same for a sqlite3 database. The only difference is the "-sqlite" parameter that tells sql2class to include sqlite3 header files instead of MySQL header files.
$ sqlite3 tutorial.db .d > str-tutorialdb $ sql2class -build -sqlite -lib libtutorialdb str-tutorialdb -namespace db -overwrite $
The resulting files will by default be installed in /usr/devel/include and /usr/devel/lib. The prefix "/usr/devel" can be changed with the sql2class command line parameter "-prefix". In the include directory will be a file named "libtutorialdb.h", and in the lib directory the file "libtutorialdb.a" can be found. The source code used to build the library will be in the directory /usr/devel/src/libtutorialdb (if using default prefix /usr/devel).
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