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SQL / C++ Tutorial using sqlwrapped

3. Connecting to a database

PreviousNextIndex To connect to a database, an instance of class Database is created with the necessary connection parameters. In the case of MySQL the constructor of the class needs the hostname where the database server is running, user and password to gain access to the database and finally the database name. Sqlite3 needs only the filename of the database file. MySQL example
#include <libmysqlwrapped.h> int main() { Database db("localhost", "root", "", "tutorialdb"); if (!db.Connected()) { printf("Database not connected - exiting\n"); exit(-1); } }
example1_mysql.cpp sqlite3 example
#include <libsqlitewrapped.h> int main() { Database db("tutorial.db"); if (!db.Connected()) { printf("Database not connected - exiting\n"); exit(-1); } }
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