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SQL / C++ Tutorial using sqlwrapped

14. Displaying many rows

PreviousIndex The generated class can also be spawned using a Query pointer as second input parameter. The result from the Query class is then used to fill the fields of the generated class. An optional third parameter can be used as an index into the result set. example
#include <sqlite3.h> #include <libsqlitewrapped.h> #include <libtutorialdb.h> int main() { StderrLog log; Database db("tutorial.db", &log); // sqlite3 specific Query q(db); q.get_result("select * from playerresource"); while (q.fetch_row()) { db::Playerresource x(&db, &q); db::Player player(db, x.player); db::Resource r(db, x.resource); printf("%s owns %ld piece%s of %s.\n", player.name.c_str(), x.amount, (x.amount == 1) ? "" : "s", r.name.c_str()); } q.free_result(); }
example10_mysql.cppexample10_sqlite3.cpp example using result index
#include <sqlite3.h> #include <libsqlitewrapped.h> #include <libtutorialdb.h> int main() { StderrLog log; Database db("tutorial.db", &log); // sqlite3 specific Query q(db); q.get_result( "select player.*,resource.*,x.* from playerresource as x inner join player on " "x.player=player.num inner join resource on x.resource=resource.num"); while (q.fetch_row()) { db::Player player(&db, &q); db::Resource r(&db, &q, player.num_cols()); db::Playerresource x(&db, &q, player.num_cols() + r.num_cols()); printf("%s owns %ld piece%s of %s.\n", player.name.c_str(), x.amount, (x.amount == 1) ? "" : "s", r.name.c_str()); } q.free_result(); }
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