

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef lint
00002 static char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar   1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93";
00003 #endif
00004 #define YYBYACC 1
00005 #define YYMAJOR 1
00006 #define YYMINOR 9
00007 #define yyclearin (yychar=(-1))
00008 #define yyerrok (yyerrflag=0)
00009 #define YYRECOVERING (yyerrflag!=0)
00010 #define YYPREFIX "yy"
00011 #line 2 "rowo.y"
00012 #include <string>
00013 #include <stdio.h>
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00015 #include <vector>
00016 #include <map>
00017 #include "robotworld.h"
00019 #define C the_str[the_ptr]
00020 #define C1 the_str[the_ptr+1]
00022 /* local*/
00023 static  char the_str[1000];
00024 static  int the_ptr;
00025 static  int line;
00026 static  FILE *fil;
00027 static  int uniq;
00028 static  std::vector<VARIABLE *> variables;
00029 static  std::string codestr; /* total bytecode string*/
00030 static  std::map<std::string, int> codemap; /* method to address map*/
00031 static  bool failed;
00032 static  int x_ptr;
00034 const std::string& GetCodestr() { return codestr; }
00035 std::map<std::string, int>& GetCodemap() { return codemap; }
00036 std::vector<VARIABLE *>& GetVariables() { return variables; }
00037 bool GetFailed() { return failed; }
00039 /* forward declarations*/
00040 int yyparse();
00041 short reg_variable(const std::string& ,int type = 0);
00042 void check_property(const std::string& , const std::string& );
00043 void check_method(const std::string& , const std::string& );
00044 void add_bytecode(char *, int opcode);
00045 void add_bytecode(char *, int opcode, short val);
00046 void add_bytecode(char *, int opcode, long val);
00047 void add_bytecode(char *, int opcode, const std::string& object, const std::string& property_or_method);
00048 #line 40 "rowo.y"
00049 typedef union {
00050         long l;
00051         char str[1000];
00052         struct codestruct {
00053                 char code[10000];
00054                 char bytecode[10000];
00055         } code;
00056 } YYSTYPE;
00057 #line 58 ""
00058 #define INT 257
00059 #define IDENTIFIER 258
00060 #define COMMENT 259
00061 #define Object 260
00062 #define EnumObjectType 261
00063 #define Cos 262
00064 #define Sin 263
00065 #define If 264
00066 #define Loop 265
00067 #define EQ 266
00068 #define NEQ 267
00069 #define AND 268
00070 #define OR 269
00071 #define YYERRCODE 256
00072 short yylhs[] = {                                        -1,
00073     0,   10,   10,   11,   12,   12,    4,    4,    5,    5,
00074     5,    5,    5,    6,    7,    7,    8,    8,    9,    2,
00075     2,    2,    3,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
00076     1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
00077 };
00078 short yylen[] = {                                         2,
00079     1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    3,    1,    2,    1,    1,
00080     1,    1,    1,    5,    3,    5,    7,    7,    6,    0,
00081     1,    3,    1,    1,    1,    3,    1,    3,    3,    3,
00082     3,    3,    3,    5,    3,    2,    3,    3,    3,
00083 };
00084 short yydefred[] = {                                      0,
00085     0,    0,    0,    2,    0,    4,    3,    0,   13,    0,
00086     0,    5,    0,    7,    9,   10,   11,   12,    0,    0,
00087     0,    6,    8,   24,    0,    0,   25,    0,    0,    0,
00088     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   36,    0,    0,
00089     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00090     0,   28,   26,    0,    0,   35,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00091     0,    0,    0,   31,   32,    0,    0,   21,    0,   14,
00092     0,    0,    0,   19,    0,   18,   17,    0,   22,
00093 };
00094 short yydgoto[] = {                                       2,
00095    66,   67,   68,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,    3,
00096     4,    6,
00097 };
00098 short yysindex[] = {                                   -257,
00099  -121,    0, -257,    0, -106,    0,    0,  -53,    0,  -26,
00100   -19,    0, -103,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,  -33, -233,
00101    75,    0,    0,    0,  -14,  -11,    0, -249,   75,   75,
00102    86,  -34,   58, -227, -222,   -9,   -8,    0,   71,   75,
00103    75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   75,
00104  -121,    0,    0, -219, -213,    0,    4,    4,   97,   97,
00105    80,  -32,  -32,    0,    0,   86,  -37,    0,   86,    0,
00106  -121, -121,   75,    0,   75,    0,    0,   86,    0,
00107 };
00108 short yyrindex[] = {                                      0,
00109     0,    0,   50,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00110     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00111     0,    0,    0,    0,  -29,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00112   -92,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00113     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,  -36,    0,
00114     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   12,   25,   39,   46,
00115     0,  -15,   -1,    0,    0,  -24,    0,    0,  -84,    0,
00116     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   53,    0,
00117 };
00118 short yygindex[] = {                                      0,
00119   163,    0,  -23,    0,   41,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00120    52,  -48,
00121 };
00122 #define YYTABLESIZE 364
00123 short yytable[] = {                                      29,
00124     1,    5,   70,   74,   20,   49,   30,   19,   36,   47,
00125    37,   27,   27,   27,   48,   27,   23,   27,   12,   20,
00126    21,   22,   76,   77,   32,   30,   50,   30,   27,   30,
00127    52,   34,   15,   27,   35,   53,   54,   55,   71,   29,
00128    16,   29,   30,   29,   72,   47,   46,   30,   45,    1,
00129    48,   79,   33,   23,    7,    0,   29,    0,    0,    0,
00130     0,   29,    0,    0,    0,   37,   44,    0,    0,   33,
00131     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   38,
00132     0,    0,   37,    0,    0,    0,   39,    0,    0,    0,
00133     0,    0,    0,   34,    0,   27,   38,    0,   51,   47,
00134    46,    0,   45,   39,   48,    0,    0,   29,    0,   30,
00135    34,   56,   47,   46,   30,   45,    0,   48,    0,    0,
00136    44,   47,   46,   29,   45,    0,   48,   47,   46,    0,
00137    45,    0,   48,   44,    0,    0,   33,   73,   47,   46,
00138     0,   45,   44,   48,    0,    0,    0,    0,   44,   37,
00139     0,    8,    9,   10,    8,    9,   10,   11,    0,   44,
00140    11,    0,    0,   38,    0,   15,   15,   15,    0,    0,
00141    39,   15,    0,   16,   16,   16,    0,   34,    0,   16,
00142     0,   31,    0,   33,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00143     0,   38,   39,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00144     0,    0,   57,   58,   59,   60,   61,   62,   63,   64,
00145    65,    0,   69,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00146     0,    0,    0,   24,   25,    0,   26,   27,   27,   27,
00147    27,   28,   75,   20,   27,   78,   27,   27,   27,   27,
00148    27,    0,   30,   30,   30,   23,    0,    0,   30,    0,
00149    30,   30,   30,   30,   30,    0,   29,   29,   29,    0,
00150     0,    0,   29,    0,   29,   29,   29,   29,   29,   33,
00151    33,   33,    0,    0,    0,   33,    0,   33,   33,   33,
00152    33,   33,   37,   37,   37,    0,    0,    0,   37,    0,
00153    37,   37,   37,   37,   37,    0,   38,   38,   38,    0,
00154     0,    0,   38,   39,   39,   39,   38,   38,   38,   39,
00155    34,   34,   34,   39,   39,   39,   34,    0,    0,    0,
00156     0,    0,   34,   40,   41,   42,   43,    0,    0,    0,
00157     0,   24,   25,    0,   26,   27,   40,   41,   42,   43,
00158     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   40,   41,   42,   43,    0,
00159     0,   40,   41,   42,   43,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
00160     0,    0,   40,   41,
00161 };
00162 short yycheck[] = {                                      33,
00163   258,  123,   51,   41,   41,   40,   40,   61,  258,   42,
00164   260,   41,   42,   43,   47,   45,   41,   47,  125,   46,
00165    40,  125,   71,   72,  258,   41,   61,   43,   58,   45,
00166   258,   46,  125,   63,   46,  258,   46,   46,  258,   41,
00167   125,   43,   58,   45,  258,   42,   43,   63,   45,    0,
00168    47,   75,   41,   13,    3,   -1,   58,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00169    -1,   63,   -1,   -1,   -1,   41,   63,   -1,   -1,   58,
00170    -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   41,
00171    -1,   -1,   58,   -1,   -1,   -1,   41,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00172    -1,   -1,   -1,   41,   -1,  125,   58,   -1,   41,   42,
00173    43,   -1,   45,   58,   47,   -1,   -1,   33,   -1,  125,
00174    58,   41,   42,   43,   40,   45,   -1,   47,   -1,   -1,
00175    63,   42,   43,  125,   45,   -1,   47,   42,   43,   -1,
00176    45,   -1,   47,   63,   -1,   -1,  125,   58,   42,   43,
00177    -1,   45,   63,   47,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   63,  125,
00178    -1,  258,  259,  260,  258,  259,  260,  264,   -1,   63,
00179   264,   -1,   -1,  125,   -1,  258,  259,  260,   -1,   -1,
00180   125,  264,   -1,  258,  259,  260,   -1,  125,   -1,  264,
00181    -1,   19,   -1,   21,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00182    -1,   29,   30,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00183    -1,   -1,   40,   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,
00184    48,   -1,   50,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00185    -1,   -1,   -1,  257,  258,   -1,  260,  261,  258,  259,
00186   260,  265,  270,  270,  264,   73,  266,  267,  268,  269,
00187   270,   -1,  258,  259,  260,  270,   -1,   -1,  264,   -1,
00188   266,  267,  268,  269,  270,   -1,  258,  259,  260,   -1,
00189    -1,   -1,  264,   -1,  266,  267,  268,  269,  270,  258,
00190   259,  260,   -1,   -1,   -1,  264,   -1,  266,  267,  268,
00191   269,  270,  258,  259,  260,   -1,   -1,   -1,  264,   -1,
00192   266,  267,  268,  269,  270,   -1,  258,  259,  260,   -1,
00193    -1,   -1,  264,  258,  259,  260,  268,  269,  270,  264,
00194   258,  259,  260,  268,  269,  270,  264,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00195    -1,   -1,  270,  266,  267,  268,  269,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00196    -1,  257,  258,   -1,  260,  261,  266,  267,  268,  269,
00197    -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,  266,  267,  268,  269,   -1,
00198    -1,  266,  267,  268,  269,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
00199    -1,   -1,  266,  267,
00200 };
00201 #define YYFINAL 2
00202 #ifndef YYDEBUG
00203 #define YYDEBUG 0
00204 #endif
00205 #define YYMAXTOKEN 270
00206 #if YYDEBUG
00207 char *yyname[] = {
00208 "end-of-file",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00209 "'!'",0,0,0,0,0,0,"'('","')'","'*'","'+'",0,"'-'","'.'","'/'",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00210 0,"':'",0,0,"'='",0,"'?'",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00211 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"'{'",0,"'}'",0,
00212 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00213 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00214 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00215 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"INT","IDENTIFIER","COMMENT","Object","EnumObjectType",
00216 "Cos","Sin","If","Loop","EQ","NEQ","AND","OR","\", \"",
00217 };
00218 char *yyrule[] = {
00219 "$accept : program",
00220 "program : methods",
00221 "methods : method",
00222 "methods : methods method",
00223 "method : IDENTIFIER scope",
00224 "scope : '{' '}'",
00225 "scope : '{' statements '}'",
00226 "statements : statement",
00227 "statements : statements statement",
00228 "statement : if_statement",
00229 "statement : assign_statement",
00230 "statement : loop_statement",
00231 "statement : object_statement",
00232 "statement : COMMENT",
00233 "if_statement : If '(' expr ')' scope",
00234 "assign_statement : IDENTIFIER '=' expr",
00235 "assign_statement : Object '.' IDENTIFIER '=' expr",
00236 "loop_statement : IDENTIFIER '=' Loop Object '.' IDENTIFIER scope",
00237 "loop_statement : IDENTIFIER '=' Loop IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER scope",
00238 "object_statement : Object '.' IDENTIFIER '(' parameters ')'",
00239 "parameters :",
00240 "parameters : parameter",
00241 "parameters : parameters \", \" parameter",
00242 "parameter : expr",
00243 "expr : INT",
00244 "expr : EnumObjectType",
00245 "expr : Object '.' IDENTIFIER",
00246 "expr : IDENTIFIER",
00247 "expr : IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER",
00248 "expr : expr '+' expr",
00249 "expr : expr '-' expr",
00250 "expr : expr '*' expr",
00251 "expr : expr '/' expr",
00252 "expr : expr EQ expr",
00253 "expr : expr '?' expr ':' expr",
00254 "expr : '(' expr ')'",
00255 "expr : '!' expr",
00256 "expr : expr NEQ expr",
00257 "expr : expr AND expr",
00258 "expr : expr OR expr",
00259 };
00260 #endif
00261 #ifdef YYSTACKSIZE
00262 #undef YYMAXDEPTH
00264 #else
00265 #ifdef YYMAXDEPTH
00267 #else
00268 #define YYSTACKSIZE 500
00269 #define YYMAXDEPTH 500
00270 #endif
00271 #endif
00272 int yydebug;
00273 int yynerrs;
00274 int yyerrflag;
00275 int yychar;
00276 short *yyssp;
00277 YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
00278 YYSTYPE yyval;
00279 YYSTYPE yylval;
00280 short yyss[YYSTACKSIZE];
00282 #define yystacksize YYSTACKSIZE
00283 #line 420 "rowo.y"
00286 int yyerror(char *s)
00287 {
00288         int i;
00290         printf("%d>%s\n", line, the_str);
00291         printf("%d ", line);
00292         for (i = 1; i < x_ptr; i++)
00293                 printf(" ");
00294         printf("^ yyerror '%s'\n", s);
00295         failed = true;
00296         return 0;
00297 }
00300 int yylex()
00301 {
00302         size_t x;
00304         while (C == ' ' || C == 9)
00305         {
00306                 the_ptr++;
00307         }
00308         while (!C && !feof(fil))
00309         {
00310                 fgets(the_str, 1000, fil);
00311                 the_str[strlen(the_str) - 1] = 0;
00312                 for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(the_str); i++)
00313                         if (the_str[i] == 9)
00314                                 the_str[i] = ' ';
00315                 the_ptr = 0;
00316                 line++;
00317                 while (C == ' ' || C == 9)
00318                 {
00319                         the_ptr++;
00320                 }
00321         }
00322         if (feof(fil))
00323         {
00324                 return 0;
00325         }
00326         x_ptr = the_ptr;
00327         if (C == '=' && C1 == '=')
00328         {
00329                 the_ptr += 2;
00330                 return EQ;
00331         }
00332         if (C == '!' && C1 == '=')
00333         {
00334                 the_ptr += 2;
00335                 return NEQ;
00336         }
00337         if (C == '&' && C1 == '&')
00338         {
00339                 the_ptr += 2;
00340                 return AND;
00341         }
00342         if (C == '|' && C1 == '|')
00343         {
00344                 the_ptr += 2;
00345                 return OR;
00346         }
00347         if (C == '/' && C1 == '/')
00348         {
00349                 strcpy(yylval.str, the_str + the_ptr);
00350                 C = 0;
00351                 return COMMENT;
00352         }
00353         if (isalpha(C))
00354         {
00355                 x = the_ptr++;
00356                 while (isalnum(C) || C == '_')
00357                 {
00358                         the_ptr++;
00359                 }
00360                 std::string ord = static_cast<std::string>(the_str).substr(x, the_ptr - x);
00361                 strcpy(yylval.str, ord.c_str());
00362                 if (ord == "if")
00363                         return If;
00364                 if (ord == "radar" || ord == "turret" || ord == "gun" || ord == "robot" || ord == "shields" )
00365                 {
00366                         return Object;
00367                 }
00368                 if (ord == "Robot") // Robot, Portal, Powerup, Base, Nothing, Item
00369                 {
00370                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_ROBOT;
00371                         return EnumObjectType;
00372                 }
00373                 if (ord == "Portal")
00374                 {
00375                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_PORTAL;
00376                         return EnumObjectType;
00377                 }
00378                 if (ord == "Powerup")
00379                 {
00380                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_POWERUP_UNKNOWN;
00381                         return EnumObjectType;
00382                 }
00383                 if (ord == "Base")
00384                 {
00385                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_BASE;
00386                         return EnumObjectType;
00387                 }
00388                 if (ord == "Item")
00389                 {
00390                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_ITEM;
00391                         return EnumObjectType;
00392                 }
00393                 if (ord == "Nothing")
00394                 {
00395                         yylval.l = MAPOBJECT_NOTHING;
00396                         return EnumObjectType;
00397                 }
00398                 if (ord == "loop")
00399                         return Loop;
00400                 return IDENTIFIER;
00401         }
00402         if (isdigit(C))
00403         {
00404                 bool f = false;
00405                 x = the_ptr;
00406                 while (isdigit(C)) // || C == '.' || C == 'e' || C == 'E')
00407                 {
00408                         if (!isdigit(C))
00409                         f = true;
00410                         the_ptr++;
00411                 }
00412                 std::string ord = static_cast<std::string>(the_str).substr(x, the_ptr - x);
00413 /*
00414                 if (f)
00415                 {
00416                         yylval.d = atof(ord.c_str());
00417                         return FLOAT;
00418                 }
00419 */
00420                 yylval.l = atol(ord.c_str());
00421                 return INT;
00422         }
00423         return the_str[the_ptr++];
00424 }
00427 void parse_file(const std::string& filename)
00428 {
00429         *the_str = 0;
00430         the_ptr = 0;
00431         line = 0;
00432         uniq = 1;
00433         codestr = "";
00434         failed = false;
00435         while (codemap.size())
00436         {
00437                 codemap.erase(codemap.begin());
00438         }
00439         while (variables.size())
00440         {
00441                 variables.erase(variables.begin());
00442         }
00443         if ((fil = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt")) != NULL)
00444         {
00445                 yyparse();
00446                 fclose(fil);
00447         }
00448         else
00449         {
00450                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open '%s'...\n", filename.c_str());
00451                 failed = true;
00452         }
00453 }
00456 short reg_variable(const std::string& name,int type)
00457 {
00458         for (std::vector<VARIABLE *>::iterator it = variables.begin(); it != variables.end(); it++)
00459         {
00460                 VARIABLE *p = *it;
00461                 if (name == p -> name)
00462                 {
00463                         if (type && !p -> type)
00464                                 p -> type = type;
00465                         if (type && p -> type && type != p -> type)
00466                                 fprintf(stderr,"Variable type mismatch: '%s'\n",name.c_str());
00467                         return p -> nr;
00468                 }
00469         }
00470         VARIABLE *p = new VARIABLE(name, type, variables.size());
00471         variables.push_back(p);
00472         return p -> nr;
00473 }
00476 void check_property(const std::string& object, const std::string& property)
00477 {
00478 }
00481 void check_method(const std::string& object, const std::string& method)
00482 {
00483 }
00486 void add_bytecode(char *s, int opcode)
00487 {
00488         sprintf(s + strlen(s), "%02x", opcode);
00489 }
00492 void add_bytecode(char *s, int opcode, short valx)
00493 {
00494         unsigned short val;
00495         if (valx < 0)
00496         {
00497                 val = -valx;
00498                 val |= 0x8000;
00499         }
00500         else
00501         {
00502                 val = valx;
00503         }
00504         sprintf(s + strlen(s), "%02x%04x", opcode, val);
00505 }
00508 void add_bytecode(char *s, int opcode, long val)
00509 {
00510         sprintf(s + strlen(s), "%02x%08lx", opcode, val);
00511 }
00514 void add_bytecode(char *s, int opcode, const std::string& object, const std::string& property_or_method)
00515 {
00516         int objectcode = 0;
00517         int val = 0;
00518         {
00519                 // robot, radar, turret, gun, shields
00520                 if (!strcmp(object.c_str(), "robot"))
00521                 {
00522                         objectcode = ROBOTOBJECT_ROBOT;
00523                         if (property_or_method == "ok")
00524                                 val = 1;
00525                         if (property_or_method == "damage")
00526                                 val = 2;
00527                         if (property_or_method == "repair_rate")
00528                                 val = 3;
00529                         if (property_or_method == "inventory")
00530                                 val = 4;
00531                         if (property_or_method == "power")
00532                                 val = 5;
00533                         if (property_or_method == "charging")
00534                                 val = 6;
00535                 }
00536                 else
00537                 if (!strcmp(object.c_str(), "radar"))
00538                 {
00539                         objectcode = ROBOTOBJECT_RADAR;
00540                         if (property_or_method == "ok")
00541                                 val = 1;
00542                         if (property_or_method == "damage")
00543                                 val = 2;
00544                         if (property_or_method == "repair_rate")
00545                                 val = 3;
00546                 }
00547                 else
00548                 if (!strcmp(object.c_str(), "turret"))
00549                 {
00550                         objectcode = ROBOTOBJECT_TURRET;
00551                         if (property_or_method == "ok")
00552                                 val = 1;
00553                         if (property_or_method == "damage")
00554                                 val = 2;
00555                         if (property_or_method == "repair_rate")
00556                                 val = 3;
00557                 }
00558                 else
00559                 if (!strcmp(object.c_str(), "gun"))
00560                 {
00561                         objectcode = ROBOTOBJECT_GUN;
00562                         if (property_or_method == "ok")
00563                                 val = 1;
00564                         if (property_or_method == "damage")
00565                                 val = 2;
00566                         if (property_or_method == "repair_rate")
00567                                 val = 3;
00568                 }
00569                 else
00570                 if (!strcmp(object.c_str(), "shields"))
00571                 {
00572                         objectcode = ROBOTOBJECT_SHIELDS;
00573                         if (property_or_method == "ok")
00574                                 val = 1;
00575                         if (property_or_method == "damage")
00576                                 val = 2;
00577                         if (property_or_method == "repair_rate")
00578                                 val = 3;
00579                 }
00580                 else
00581                 {
00582                         printf("Unknown object: %s\n", object.c_str() );
00583                         failed = true;
00584                 }
00585         }
00586         sprintf(s + strlen(s), "%02x%02x%02x", opcode, objectcode, val);
00587 }
00590 #line 591 ""
00591 #define YYABORT goto yyabort
00592 #define YYREJECT goto yyabort
00593 #define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept
00594 #define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
00595 int
00596 yyparse()
00597 {
00598     register int yym, yyn, yystate;
00599 #if YYDEBUG
00600     register char *yys;
00601     extern char *getenv();
00603     if (yys = getenv("YYDEBUG"))
00604     {
00605         yyn = *yys;
00606         if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9')
00607             yydebug = yyn - '0';
00608     }
00609 #endif
00611     yynerrs = 0;
00612     yyerrflag = 0;
00613     yychar = (-1);
00615     yyssp = yyss;
00616     yyvsp = yyvs;
00617     *yyssp = yystate = 0;
00619 yyloop:
00620     if (yyn = yydefred[yystate]) goto yyreduce;
00621     if (yychar < 0)
00622     {
00623         if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
00624 #if YYDEBUG
00625         if (yydebug)
00626         {
00627             yys = 0;
00628             if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
00629             if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
00630             printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
00631                     YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys);
00632         }
00633 #endif
00634     }
00635     if ((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
00636             yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
00637     {
00638 #if YYDEBUG
00639         if (yydebug)
00640             printf("%sdebug: state %d, shifting to state %d\n",
00641                     YYPREFIX, yystate, yytable[yyn]);
00642 #endif
00643         if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
00644         {
00645             goto yyoverflow;
00646         }
00647         *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
00648         *++yyvsp = yylval;
00649         yychar = (-1);
00650         if (yyerrflag > 0)  --yyerrflag;
00651         goto yyloop;
00652     }
00653     if ((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
00654             yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
00655     {
00656         yyn = yytable[yyn];
00657         goto yyreduce;
00658     }
00659     if (yyerrflag) goto yyinrecovery;
00660 #ifdef lint
00661     goto yynewerror;
00662 #endif
00663 yynewerror:
00664     yyerror("syntax error");
00665 #ifdef lint
00666     goto yyerrlab;
00667 #endif
00668 yyerrlab:
00669     ++yynerrs;
00670 yyinrecovery:
00671     if (yyerrflag < 3)
00672     {
00673         yyerrflag = 3;
00674         for (;;)
00675         {
00676             if ((yyn = yysindex[*yyssp]) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 &&
00677                     yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == YYERRCODE)
00678             {
00679 #if YYDEBUG
00680                 if (yydebug)
00681                     printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery shifting\
00682  to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yytable[yyn]);
00683 #endif
00684                 if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
00685                 {
00686                     goto yyoverflow;
00687                 }
00688                 *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
00689                 *++yyvsp = yylval;
00690                 goto yyloop;
00691             }
00692             else
00693             {
00694 #if YYDEBUG
00695                 if (yydebug)
00696                     printf("%sdebug: error recovery discarding state %d\n",
00697                             YYPREFIX, *yyssp);
00698 #endif
00699                 if (yyssp <= yyss) goto yyabort;
00700                 --yyssp;
00701                 --yyvsp;
00702             }
00703         }
00704     }
00705     else
00706     {
00707         if (yychar == 0) goto yyabort;
00708 #if YYDEBUG
00709         if (yydebug)
00710         {
00711             yys = 0;
00712             if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
00713             if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
00714             printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery discards token %d (%s)\n",
00715                     YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys);
00716         }
00717 #endif
00718         yychar = (-1);
00719         goto yyloop;
00720     }
00721 yyreduce:
00722 #if YYDEBUG
00723     if (yydebug)
00724         printf("%sdebug: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)\n",
00725                 YYPREFIX, yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]);
00726 #endif
00727     yym = yylen[yyn];
00728     yyval = yyvsp[1-yym];
00729     switch (yyn)
00730     {
00731 case 4:
00732 #line 80 "rowo.y"
00733 {
00734                 /* if (*scope) ...*/
00735                 add_bytecode(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode, 0x84); /* ret*/
00736                 /* create codestr / codemap*/
00737                 codemap[yyvsp[-1].str] = codestr.size() / 2; /* entry point*/
00738                 codestr += yyvsp[0].code.bytecode;
00739         }
00740 break;
00741 case 5:
00742 #line 88 "rowo.y"
00743 {
00744                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00745                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00746         }
00747 break;
00748 case 6:
00749 #line 92 "rowo.y"
00750 {
00751                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-1].code.code);
00752                 /* bytecode*/
00753                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-1].code.bytecode);
00754         }
00755 break;
00756 case 7:
00757 #line 98 "rowo.y"
00758 {
00759                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00760                 /* bytecode*/
00761                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00762         }
00763 break;
00764 case 8:
00765 #line 103 "rowo.y"
00766 {
00767                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-1].code.code);
00768                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00769                 /* bytecode*/
00770                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-1].code.bytecode);
00771                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00772         }
00773 break;
00774 case 9:
00775 #line 111 "rowo.y"
00776 {
00777                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00778                 /* bytecode*/
00779                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00780         }
00781 break;
00782 case 10:
00783 #line 116 "rowo.y"
00784 {
00785                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00786                 /* bytecode*/
00787                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00788         }
00789 break;
00790 case 11:
00791 #line 121 "rowo.y"
00792 {
00793                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00794                 /* bytecode*/
00795                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00796         }
00797 break;
00798 case 12:
00799 #line 126 "rowo.y"
00800 {
00801                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00802                 /* bytecode*/
00803                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00804         }
00805 break;
00806 case 13:
00807 #line 131 "rowo.y"
00808 {       *yyval.code.code = 0;
00809                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00810         }
00811 break;
00812 case 14:
00813 #line 135 "rowo.y"
00814 {
00815                 /* if (*scope) ...*/
00816                 int x = uniq++;
00817                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00818                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       // if_statement\n");
00819                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
00820                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    jz      label_%d\n", x);
00821                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00822                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "label_%d:\n", x);
00823                 /* bytecode*/
00824                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode); /* get expression*/
00825                 short len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2; /* length in bytes*/
00826                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0a, len); /* jz*/
00827                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode); /* scope*/
00828         }
00829 break;
00830 case 15:
00831 #line 151 "rowo.y"
00832 {
00833                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00834                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       // assign_statement\n");
00835                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00836                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    ld      $%s, a\n", yyvsp[-2].str);
00838                 short var = reg_variable(yyvsp[-2].str, 1);
00839                 /* bytecode*/
00840                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode); /* get expression*/
00841                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0d, var); /* variable[] = register1*/
00842         }
00843 break;
00844 case 16:
00845 #line 162 "rowo.y"
00846 {
00847                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00848                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       // assign_statement\n");
00849                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00850                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    ld      $%s.%s, a\n", yyvsp[-4].str, yyvsp[-2].str);
00852                 check_property(yyvsp[-4].str, yyvsp[-2].str);
00853                 /* bytecode*/
00854                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode); /* get expression*/
00855                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0f, yyvsp[-4].str, yyvsp[-2].str); /* assign*/
00856         }
00857 break;
00858 case 17:
00859 #line 174 "rowo.y"
00860 {
00861                 short var = reg_variable(yyvsp[-6].str, 2);
00862                 check_property(yyvsp[-3].str, yyvsp[-1].str);
00863                 /* bytecode*/
00864                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00865                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x82, yyvsp[-3].str, yyvsp[-1].str);  /* loop init*/
00866                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, "0000");                    /* loop body length*/
00867                 size_t x = strlen(yyval.code.bytecode);
00868                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x83, var);           /* assign object variable: 3 bytes*/
00869                 short len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2 + 3;     /* length in bytes*/
00870                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0a, len);           /* jz end of loop: 3 bytes*/
00871                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);            /* scope*/
00872                 len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2 + 6;
00873                 len = -len;
00874                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x81, len);           /* jmp loop beginning*/
00876                 size_t body = (strlen(yyval.code.bytecode) - x) / 2;
00877                 char slask[100];
00878                 sprintf(slask, "%04x", body);
00879                 memcpy(yyval.code.bytecode + x - 4, slask, 4);
00880         }
00881 break;
00882 case 18:
00883 #line 195 "rowo.y"
00884 {
00885                 short var1 = reg_variable(yyvsp[-6].str, 2);
00886                 short var2 = reg_variable(yyvsp[-3].str);
00887                 short len = strlen(yyvsp[-1].str);
00888                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00889                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x11, var2);          /* register1 = variable[zz zz].property*/
00890                 sprintf(yyval.code.bytecode + strlen(yyval.code.bytecode), "%02x", len);
00891                 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
00892                 {
00893                         sprintf(yyval.code.bytecode + strlen(yyval.code.bytecode), "%02x", yyvsp[-1].str[i]);
00894                 }
00895                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, "0000");                    /* loop body length*/
00896                 size_t x = strlen(yyval.code.bytecode);
00897                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x83, var1);          /* assign object variable: 3 bytes*/
00898                 len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2 + 3;           /* length in bytes*/
00899                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0a, len);           /* jz end of loop: 3 bytes*/
00900                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);            /* scope*/
00901                 len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2 + 6;
00902                 len = -len;
00903                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x81, len);           /* jmp loop beginning*/
00905                 size_t body = (strlen(yyval.code.bytecode) - x) / 2;
00906                 char slask[100];
00907                 sprintf(slask, "%04x", body);
00908                 memcpy(yyval.code.bytecode + x - 4, slask, 4);
00909         }
00910 break;
00911 case 19:
00912 #line 222 "rowo.y"
00913 {
00914                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00915                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       // object_statement\n");
00916                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-1].code.code);
00917                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    call $%s.%s\n", yyvsp[-5].str, yyvsp[-3].str);
00918                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     a // ? - call returns with value in a, not on stack perhaps?\n");
00920                 check_method(yyvsp[-5].str, yyvsp[-3].str);
00921                 /* bytecode*/
00922                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00923                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-1].code.bytecode);           /* parameters*/
00924                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0e, yyvsp[-5].str, yyvsp[-3].str);  /* call object.method result in register1*/
00925         }
00926 break;
00927 case 20:
00928 #line 236 "rowo.y"
00929 {
00930                 *yyval.code.code = 0;
00931                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00932         }
00933 break;
00934 case 21:
00935 #line 240 "rowo.y"
00936 {
00937                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00938                 /* bytecode*/
00939                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00940         }
00941 break;
00942 case 22:
00943 #line 245 "rowo.y"
00944 {
00945                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
00946                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00947                 /* bytecode*/
00948                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
00949                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00950         }
00951 break;
00952 case 23:
00953 #line 253 "rowo.y"
00954 {
00955                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
00956                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
00957                 /* bytecode*/
00958                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
00959                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
00960         }
00961 break;
00962 case 24:
00963 #line 261 "rowo.y"
00964 {       sprintf(yyval.code.code, "      ld      a, %ld\n", yyvsp[0].l);
00965                 /* bytecode*/
00966                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00967                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x03, yyvsp[0].l);
00968         }
00969 break;
00970 case 25:
00971 #line 266 "rowo.y"
00972 {
00973                 sprintf(yyval.code.code, "      ld      a, %ld\n", yyvsp[0].l);
00974                 /* bytecode*/
00975                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00976                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x03, yyvsp[0].l);
00977         }
00978 break;
00979 case 26:
00980 #line 272 "rowo.y"
00981 {
00982                 sprintf(yyval.code.code, "      ld      a, $%s.%s\n", yyvsp[-2].str, yyvsp[0].str);
00984                 check_property(yyvsp[-2].str, yyvsp[0].str);
00985                 /* bytecode*/
00986                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00987                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x01, yyvsp[-2].str, yyvsp[0].str);   /* register1 =*/
00988         }
00989 break;
00990 case 27:
00991 #line 280 "rowo.y"
00992 {       sprintf(yyval.code.code, "      ld      a, $%s\n", yyvsp[0].str);
00994                 short var = reg_variable(yyvsp[0].str);
00995                 /* bytecode*/
00996                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
00997                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0c, var);           /* register1 = variable*/
00998         }
00999 break;
01000 case 28:
01001 #line 287 "rowo.y"
01002 {
01003                 sprintf(yyval.code.code, "      ld      a, $%s.%s\n", yyvsp[-2].str, yyvsp[0].str);
01005                 short var = reg_variable(yyvsp[-2].str);
01006                 short len = strlen(yyvsp[0].str);
01007                 check_property(yyvsp[-2].str, yyvsp[0].str);
01008                 /* bytecode*/
01009                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
01010                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x10, var);           /* register1 = variable[zz zz].property*/
01011                 sprintf(yyval.code.bytecode + strlen(yyval.code.bytecode), "%02x", len);
01012                 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
01013                 {
01014                         sprintf(yyval.code.bytecode + strlen(yyval.code.bytecode), "%02x", yyvsp[0].str[i]);
01015                 }
01016         }
01017 break;
01018 case 29:
01019 #line 302 "rowo.y"
01020 {
01021                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01022                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
01023                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01024                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     b\n");
01025                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       add     b\n");
01026                 /* bytecode*/
01027                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01028                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01029                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01030                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01031                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x25);                /* add register2*/
01032         }
01033 break;
01034 case 30:
01035 #line 315 "rowo.y"
01036 {
01037                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01038                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
01039                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01040                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     b\n");
01041                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       sub     b\n");
01042                 /* bytecode*/
01043                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01044                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01045                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01046                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01047                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x26);                /* add register2*/
01048         }
01049 break;
01050 case 31:
01051 #line 328 "rowo.y"
01052 {
01053                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01054                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
01055                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01056                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     b\n");
01057                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       mul     b\n");
01058                 /* bytecode*/
01059                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01060                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01061                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01062                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01063                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x27);                /* add register2*/
01064         }
01065 break;
01066 case 32:
01067 #line 341 "rowo.y"
01068 {
01069                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01070                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
01071                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01072                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     b\n");
01073                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       div     b\n");
01074                 /* bytecode*/
01075                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01076                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01077                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01078                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01079                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x28);                /* add register2*/
01080         }
01081 break;
01082 case 33:
01083 #line 354 "rowo.y"
01084 {
01085                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01086                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       push    a\n");
01087                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01088                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       pop     b\n");
01089                 strcat(yyval.code.code, "       eq      b // a=0 if a!=b, a=1 if a==b\n");
01090                 /* bytecode*/
01091                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01092                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01093                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01094                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01095                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x29);                /* add register2*/
01096         }
01097 break;
01098 case 34:
01099 #line 367 "rowo.y"
01100 {
01101                 int x = uniq++;
01102                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-4].code.code);
01103                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    jz      label_second_%d\n", x);
01104                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-2].code.code);
01105                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "    jmp     label_%d\n", x);
01106                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "label_second_%d:\n", x);
01107                 strcat(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[0].code.code);
01108                 sprintf(yyval.code.code + strlen(yyval.code.code), "label_%d:\n", x);
01109                 /* bytecode*/
01110                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-4].code.bytecode);           /* get expression*/
01111                 short len = strlen(yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode) / 2 + 3;    /* first block + jmp*/
01112                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x0a, len);           /* jz*/
01113                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01114                 len = strlen(yyvsp[0].code.bytecode) / 2;
01115                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x81, len);           /* jmp*/
01116                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01117         }
01118 break;
01119 case 35:
01120 #line 385 "rowo.y"
01121 {
01122                 strcpy(yyval.code.code, yyvsp[-1].code.code);
01123                 /* bytecode*/
01124                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-1].code.bytecode);
01125         }
01126 break;
01127 case 36:
01128 #line 390 "rowo.y"
01129 {
01130                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
01131                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01132                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x12);                /* not*/
01133         }
01134 break;
01135 case 37:
01136 #line 395 "rowo.y"
01137 {
01138                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
01139                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01140                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01141                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01142                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01143                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x33);                /* neq register2*/
01144         }
01145 break;
01146 case 38:
01147 #line 403 "rowo.y"
01148 {
01149                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
01150                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01151                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01152                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01153                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01154                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x34);                /* and register2*/
01155         }
01156 break;
01157 case 39:
01158 #line 411 "rowo.y"
01159 {
01160                 *yyval.code.bytecode = 0;
01161                 strcpy(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[0].code.bytecode);
01162                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x02);                /* push register1*/
01163                 strcat(yyval.code.bytecode, yyvsp[-2].code.bytecode);
01164                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x24);                /* pop register2*/
01165                 add_bytecode(yyval.code.bytecode, 0x35);                /* or register2*/
01166         }
01167 break;
01168 #line 1169 ""
01169     }
01170     yyssp -= yym;
01171     yystate = *yyssp;
01172     yyvsp -= yym;
01173     yym = yylhs[yyn];
01174     if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0)
01175     {
01176 #if YYDEBUG
01177         if (yydebug)
01178             printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to\
01179  state %d\n", YYPREFIX, YYFINAL);
01180 #endif
01181         yystate = YYFINAL;
01182         *++yyssp = YYFINAL;
01183         *++yyvsp = yyval;
01184         if (yychar < 0)
01185         {
01186             if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
01187 #if YYDEBUG
01188             if (yydebug)
01189             {
01190                 yys = 0;
01191                 if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
01192                 if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
01193                 printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
01194                         YYPREFIX, YYFINAL, yychar, yys);
01195             }
01196 #endif
01197         }
01198         if (yychar == 0) goto yyaccept;
01199         goto yyloop;
01200     }
01201     if ((yyn = yygindex[yym]) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 &&
01202             yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yystate)
01203         yystate = yytable[yyn];
01204     else
01205         yystate = yydgoto[yym];
01206 #if YYDEBUG
01207     if (yydebug)
01208         printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state %d \
01209 to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yystate);
01210 #endif
01211     if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
01212     {
01213         goto yyoverflow;
01214     }
01215     *++yyssp = yystate;
01216     *++yyvsp = yyval;
01217     goto yyloop;
01218 yyoverflow:
01219     yyerror("yacc stack overflow");
01220 yyabort:
01221     return (1);
01222 yyaccept:
01223     return (0);
01224 }

Generated for Robot World by doxygen 1.3.6

Page, code, and content Copyright (C) 2004 by Anders Hedström