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dp.cpp File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <map>
#include "Parse.h"
#include "SimpleParser.h"
#include "BlackAdder.h"
#include "dp.h"

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Include dependency graph

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namespace  ugly


#define DEB(x)


std::string get_group (const std::string &class_name)
void read_makefile ()
void parse_file (const std::string &path, const std::string &filename)
void loop (std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vec, const std::string &path, bool recursive)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


BlackAdder add
config_m config
config_m box
std::string includes = ""
std::string defines = ""
int fontsize = 12
std::map< std::string, std::list<
std::string > > 
int cluster = 1

Define Documentation

#define DEB  ) 

File ......... dp.cpp Published .... 2004-05-17 Author .......

Definition at line 36 of file dp.cpp.

Function Documentation

std::string get_group const std::string &  class_name  ) 

Definition at line 55 of file dp.cpp.

References group.

Referenced by BlackAdder::add_class().

00056 {
00057         for (std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string> >::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end(); it++)
00058         {
00059                 std::string group_name = it -> first;
00060                 std::list<std::string>& ref = it -> second;
00061                 for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = ref.begin(); it != ref.end(); it++)
00062                 {
00063                         if (*it == class_name)
00064                                 return group_name;
00065                 }
00066         }
00067         return "";
00068 }

void loop std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &  vec,
const std::string &  path,
bool  recursive

Definition at line 148 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main().

00149 {
00150         DIR *d;
00151         struct dirent *p;
00152         struct stat st;
00153         char filename[4000];
00154         if ((d = opendir(path.c_str())) != NULL)
00155         {
00156                 p = readdir(d);
00157                 while (p)
00158                 {
00159                         sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",path.c_str(),p -> d_name);
00160                         stat(filename, &st);
00161 //                      printf(" type: %08x  name: %s\n",st.st_mode,filename); //p -> d_name);
00162                         if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
00163                         {
00164                                 if (p -> d_name[0] != '.' && recursive)
00165                                 {
00166                                         std::string subdir = path;
00167                                         subdir += "/";
00168                                         subdir += p -> d_name;
00169                                         loop( vec, subdir, recursive );
00170                                 }
00171                         }
00172                         else
00173                         {
00174                                 if (
00175 //                                  !strcasecmp(p -> d_name + strlen(p -> d_name) - 2,".h") ||
00176                                     !strcasecmp(p -> d_name + strlen(p -> d_name) - 4,".cpp") ||
00177 //                                  !strcasecmp(p -> d_name + strlen(p -> d_name) - 4,".hpp") ||
00178                                     !strcasecmp(p -> d_name + strlen(p -> d_name) - 3,".cc") ||
00179                                     !strcasecmp(p -> d_name + strlen(p -> d_name) - 4,".c") 
00180                                     )
00181                                 {
00182 fprintf(stderr, ">>>> File %s\n", p -> d_name);
00183 //                                      parse_file( path, p -> d_name );
00184                                         vec.push_back( std::pair<std::string, std::string>(path, p -> d_name) );
00185                                 }
00186                         }
00187                         //
00188                         p = readdir(d);
00189                 }
00190                 closedir(d);
00191         }
00192 }

int main int  argc,
char *  argv[]

Definition at line 195 of file dp.cpp.

References add, box, cluster, config, defines, fontsize, group, includes, loop(), BlackAdder::MakeDot(), parse_file(), and read_makefile().

00196 {
00197         if (argc < 2)
00198         {
00199                 printf("Usage: %s <options>\n", *argv);
00200                 printf("  -fontsize xx      Use custom font size\n");
00201                 printf("  -Dxxx             Define symbol 'xxx'\n");
00202                 printf("  -Ixxx             Add include path\n");
00203                 printf("  -box <namespace>  Add box around namespace\n");
00204                 printf("  -group name class1 class2 class3 -\n");
00205                 printf("                    Group classes together, end with \"-\"\n");
00207                 printf("  -dot              Print .dot display source to stdout\n");
00208                 printf("  -lr               Change orientation\n");
00209                 printf("  -cluster          \n");
00210                 printf("  -r                Find source files recursively\n");
00211                 return -1;
00212         }
00213         char *args[] = {"-dot","-lr","-cluster","-r",""};
00214         read_makefile();
00215         for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
00216         {
00217                 bool ok = false;
00218                 bool more = false;
00219                 int x = 0;
00220                 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fontsize") && i < argc - 1)
00221                 {
00222                         fontsize = atoi(argv[++i]);
00223                 }
00224                 else
00225                 if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2))
00226                 {
00227                         if (defines.size())
00228                                 defines += " ";
00229                         defines += argv[i];
00230                 }
00231                 else
00232                 if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-I", 2))
00233                 {
00234                         if (includes.size())
00235                                 includes += " ";
00236                         includes += argv[i];
00237                 }
00238                 else
00239                 if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-box")) // box a namespace
00240                 {
00241                         box[argv[i + 1]] = "true";
00242                         i++;
00243                 }
00244                 else
00245                 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-group") && i < argc - 1)
00246                 {
00247                         std::string group_name = argv[++i];
00248                         i++;
00249                         while (i < argc && strcmp(argv[i], "-"))
00250                         {
00251                                 group[group_name].push_back( argv[i] );
00252                                 //
00253                                 i++;
00254                         }
00255                 }
00256                 else
00257                 {
00258                         while (*args[x])
00259                         {
00260                                 if (!strcmp(argv[i],args[x]))
00261                                 {
00262                                         ok = true;
00263                                         // check for more
00264                                         break;
00265                                 }
00266                                 else
00267                                 {
00268                                         x++;
00269                                 }
00270                         }
00271                         if (ok)
00272                         {
00273                                 if (more)
00274                                 {
00275                                         config[argv[i]] = argv[i + 1];
00276                                         i++;
00277                                 }
00278                                 else
00279                                 {
00280                                         config[argv[i]] = "true";
00281                                 }
00282                         }
00283                         else
00284                         {
00285                                 return -1;
00286                         }
00287                 }
00288         }
00289         std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vec;
00290         loop(vec, ".", config["-r"] == "true");
00291         char cwd[200];
00292         getcwd(cwd, 200);
00293         for (std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it++)
00294         {
00295                 std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ref = *it;
00296                 chdir( ref.first.c_str() );
00297                 parse_file( ".", ref.second );
00298                 chdir( cwd );
00299         }
00300         if (config["-dot"] == "true")
00301         {
00302                 printf("digraph test {\n");
00303                 printf("\tURL=\"index.html\"\n");
00304                 if (config["-lr"] == "true")
00305                         printf("        rankdir=LR;\n");
00306                 printf("        node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=\"#ffffff\" fontsize=9]\n");
00307                 add.MakeDot();
00308                 for (std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string> >::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end(); it++)
00309                 {
00310                         std::string group_name = it -> first;
00311                         printf("        subgraph cluster_%ld {\n",cluster++);
00312                         printf("                style=filled;\n");
00313                         printf("                fillcolor=lightgrey;\n");
00314                         printf("                label=\"Group '%s'\"\n",group_name.c_str());
00315                         if (config["-lr"] != "true")
00316                                 printf("                rankdir=LR;\n");
00317                         printf("                node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=white]\n");
00318                         add.MakeDot( group_name );
00319                         printf("        }\n");
00320                 }
00321                 // end of .dot
00322                 printf("}\n");
00323         }
00324 }

void parse_file const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  filename

Definition at line 113 of file dp.cpp.

References add, BlackAdder::clear_using(), DEB, defines, includes, and SimpleParser::Parser().

00114 {
00115         std::string cmd;
00116         std::string out;
00117         out = path + "/" + filename + ".preprocessed";
00118         out = "/tmp/" + filename + ".preprocessed";
00119         cmd = "/usr/bin/cpp" 
00120 //              " -I.."
00121                 " -I."
00122 //              " -I/usr/devel/include"
00123                 " " + includes + " " + defines + " " + path + "/" + filename + " > " + out;
00124 fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd.c_str());
00125         if (system( cmd.c_str() ) == -1)
00126         {
00127 DEB(            fprintf(stderr,"Command failed: '%s'...\n",cmd.c_str());)
00128         }
00129         else
00130         {
00131                 FILE *fil = fopen(out.c_str(),"rt");
00132                 if (fil)
00133                 {
00134                         SimpleParser p(path,&add);
00135                         int line = 0;
00136                         std::string name;
00137                         name = path + "/";
00138                         name += filename;
00139                         add.clear_using();
00140                         p.Parser(fil,line,name);
00141                         fclose(fil);
00142                         unlink(out.c_str());
00143                 }
00144         }
00145 }

void read_makefile  ) 

Definition at line 71 of file dp.cpp.

References defines, Parse::getword(), and includes.

Referenced by main().

00072 {
00073         FILE *fil;
00074         if ((fil = fopen("Makefile","rt")) != NULL)
00075         {
00076                 char slask[1000];
00077                 fgets(slask,1000,fil);
00078                 while (!feof(fil))
00079                 {
00080                         slask[strlen(slask) - 1] = 0;
00081                         if (*slask != '#')
00082                         {
00083                                 Parse pa(slask);
00084                                 strcpy(slask,pa.getword().c_str());
00085                                 while (*slask)
00086                                 {
00087                                         if (!strncmp(slask,"-I",2))
00088                                         {
00089                                                 if (includes.size())
00090                                                         includes += " ";
00091                                                 includes += slask;
00092                                         }
00093                                         if (!strncmp(slask,"-D",2))
00094                                         {
00095                                                 if (defines.size())
00096                                                         defines += " ";
00097                                                 defines += slask;
00098                                         }
00099                                         //
00100                                         strcpy(slask,pa.getword().c_str());
00101                                 }
00102                         }
00103                         //
00104                         fgets(slask,1000,fil);
00105                 }
00106                 fclose(fil);
00107         }
00108 }

Variable Documentation

BlackAdder add [static]

Definition at line 45 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and parse_file().

config_m box

Definition at line 47 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and BlackAdder::MakeDot().

int cluster = 1

Definition at line 52 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and BlackAdder::MakeDot().

config_m config

Definition at line 46 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by Statement::Display(), Scope::Display(), Sequence::GetExpr(), Scope::GetTrail(), main(), BlackAdder::MakeDot(), and parse_file().

std::string defines = ""

Definition at line 49 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), parse_file(), and read_makefile().

int fontsize = 12

Definition at line 50 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and BlackAdder::MakeDot().

std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string> > group

Definition at line 51 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by get_group(), and main().

std::string includes = ""

Definition at line 48 of file dp.cpp.

Referenced by main(), parse_file(), and read_makefile().

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