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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 Copyright (C) 2003  Anders Hedstrom
00004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00009 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012 GNU General Public License for more details.
00014 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00016 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
00017 */
00019 #include <stdio.h>
00020 #include <stdlib.h>
00021 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
00022 #include <libsql++.h>
00023 #include <string>
00024 using std::string;
00025 #include <libcgi++.h>
00026 #include <libwolfshade.h>
00028 #include "BaseForm.h"
00029 #include "WolfshadeWeb.h"
00030 //#include "CMemoryAllocator.h"
00031 //#include "MyString.h"
00032 #include "MobForm.h"
00035 namespace cgi
00036 {
00039 MobForm::MobForm(Web *web)
00040 :BaseForm(web, "mobform")
00041 ,m_edit(0)
00042 ,m_error(false)
00043 {
00044         Query q(GetDatabase());
00046         q.get_result("select * from classes");
00047         while (q.fetch_row())
00048         {
00049                 db::Classes *tmp = new db::Classes(GetDatabase(),&q);
00050                 m_class[tmp -> num] = tmp;
00051         }
00052         q.free_result();
00054         q.get_result("select * from race");
00055         while (q.fetch_row())
00056         {
00057                 db::Race *tmp = new db::Race(GetDatabase(),&q);
00058                 m_race[tmp -> num] = tmp;
00059         }
00060         q.free_result();
00061 }
00064 MobForm::~MobForm()
00065 {
00066         for (classes_t::iterator it = m_class.begin(); it != m_class.end(); it++)
00067         {
00068                 delete (*it).second;
00069         }
00070         for (races_t::iterator it = m_race.begin(); it != m_race.end(); it++)
00071         {
00072                 delete (*it).second;
00073         }
00074 }
00077 void MobForm::Process()
00078 {
00079         char action[200];
00081         if (GetForm() -> getvalue("mobform",action,200))
00082         {
00083                 if (!strcmp(action,"edit"))
00084                 {
00085                         char slask[100];
00086                         GetForm() -> getvalue("edit",slask,100);
00087                         m_edit = atol(slask);
00088                 }
00089                 else
00090                 if (!strcmp(action," Save "))
00091                 {
00092                         long mobflags = 0;
00093                         long loadpos = 0;
00094                         long defpos = 0;
00095                         char slask[100];
00096                         char value[256];
00097                         GetForm() -> getvalue("num",slask,100);
00098                         long num = atol(slask);
00099                         GetForm() -> getvalue("onum",slask,100);
00100                         long onum = atol(slask);
00101                         db::Mob mob(GetDatabase(),num);
00103                         if (num != onum && mob.num)
00104                         {
00105                                 m_error = true;
00106                         }
00107                         else
00108                         {
00109 // alias, name, dpd, descr, longdescr
00110                                 GetForm() -> EnableRaw( true );
00111                                 mob.num = num;
00112                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("alias",mob.alias,255);
00113                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("name",,255);
00114                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("dpd",mob.default_pos_description,255);
00115                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("descr",mob.description,255);
00116                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("longdescr",mob.long_description,255);
00117                                 // loop to get multiple checkbox values
00118                                 GetForm() -> getfirst(slask,100,value,256);
00119                                 while (*slask)
00120                                 {
00121                                         if (!strcmp(slask,"mobflags"))
00122                                                 mobflags |= atol(value);
00123                                         if (!strcmp(slask,"loadpos"))
00124                                                 loadpos |= atol(value);
00125                                         if (!strcmp(slask,"defpos"))
00126                                                 defpos |= atol(value);
00127                                         //
00128                                         GetForm() -> getnext(slask,100,value,256);
00129                                 }
00130                                 sprintf(mob.mobflags,"%ld",mobflags);
00131                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("prof",mob.proficiencysphere,255);
00132                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("alignment",slask,100);
00133                                 mob.alignment = atol(slask);
00134                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("race",slask,100);
00135                                 mob.race = atol(slask);
00136                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("classtype",slask,100);
00137                                 mob.classtype = atol(slask);
00138                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("level",slask,100);
00139                                 mob.level = atol(slask);
00140                                 //
00141                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("thaco",slask,100);
00142                                 mob.thaco = atol(slask);
00143                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("ac",slask,100);
00144                        = atol(slask);
00145                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("minhits",slask,100);
00146                                 mob.minhits = atol(slask);
00147                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("numofdice",slask,100);
00148                                 mob.numofdice = atol(slask);
00149                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("dicetype",slask,100);
00150                                 mob.dicetype = atol(slask);
00151                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("copper",slask,100);
00152                                 mob.copper = atol(slask);
00153                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("exp",slask,100);
00154                                 mob.experience = atol(slask);
00155                                 sprintf(mob.loadpos, "%ld", loadpos);
00156                                 sprintf(mob.defaultpos, "%ld", defpos);
00157                                 GetForm() -> getvalue("sex",slask,100);
00158                        = atol(slask);
00159                                 //
00160                       ;
00161                                 m_edit = num;
00162                         }
00163                 }
00164         }
00165 }
00168 void MobForm::Select(const string &)
00169 {
00170 }
00173 void MobForm::List()
00174 {
00175 }
00178 void MobForm::Display(long)
00179 {
00180         WolfshadeWeb *web = static_cast<WolfshadeWeb *>(GetWeb());
00181         Database *db = GetDatabase();
00182         Query q(db);
00183         long zonesize = 0;
00184         char sql[200];
00186         zonesize = EditingZone();
00188         if (!m_edit)
00189                 web -> DisplayStartAntalForm();
00191         if (m_error)
00192         {
00193                 printf("<h3>New Mob# is already taken</h3>");
00194         }
00196         {
00197                 if (m_edit)
00198                         sprintf(sql,"select * from mob where num=%ld",m_edit);
00199                 else
00200                 {
00201                         if (GetRace() || GetClass())
00202                         {
00203                                 char slask[100];
00205                                 sprintf(sql,"select * from mob");
00206                                 strcpy(slask," where");
00207                                 if (GetRace())
00208                                 {
00209                                         sprintf(sql + strlen(sql),"%s race=%ld",slask,GetRace());
00210                                         strcpy(slask," and");
00211                                 }
00212                                 if (GetClass())
00213                                 {
00214                                         sprintf(sql + strlen(sql),"%s classtype=%ld",slask,GetClass());
00215                                         strcpy(slask," and");
00216                                 }
00217                                 if (GetZone())
00218                                 {
00219                                         sprintf(sql + strlen(sql),"%s num>=%ld and num<%ld",
00220                                                 slask,
00221                                                 GetZone() * 100,GetZone() * 100 + zonesize);
00222                                         strcpy(slask," and");
00223                                 }
00224                                 strcat(sql," order by num");
00225                         }
00226                         else
00227                         if (GetZone())
00228                         {
00229                                 sprintf(sql,"select * from mob where num>=%ld and num<%ld order by num",
00230                                         GetZone() * 100,GetZone() * 100 + zonesize);
00231                         }
00232                         else
00233                         {
00234                                 sprintf(sql,"select * from mob where num>=%ld order by num limit %ld",GetStart(),GetAntal());
00235                         }
00236                 }
00237                 q.get_result(sql);
00238                 char header[100];
00240                 if (m_edit)
00241                         sprintf(header,"&nbsp;Editing Mob#%ld",m_edit);
00242                 else
00243                         sprintf(header,"&nbsp;Mobs (%ld mobs displayed)",q.num_rows());
00244                 Table tbl("#000000", 3, header);
00245                 printf("<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>");
00246                 printf("<th align=left>&nbsp;Mob | Vnum</th>");
00247                 printf("<th align=left>&nbsp;Race</th>");
00248                 printf("<th align=left>&nbsp;Class</th>");
00249                 printf("</tr>");
00251                 while (q.fetch_row())
00252                 {
00253                         db::Mob mob(db,&q);
00255                         printf("<tr bgcolor=#808080>");
00256                         printf("<td bgcolor=#808080>");
00257                         ShowMob(mob,true);
00258                         printf("</td>");
00259                         printf("<td>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>",htmlcolor(m_race[mob.race] -> name));
00260                         printf("<td>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</td>",htmlcolor(m_class[mob.classtype] -> name));
00261                         printf("</tr>");
00262                 }
00263                 q.free_result();
00264         }
00265         printf("<br>");
00267         if (m_edit)
00268         {
00269                 db::Mob mob(db,m_edit);
00271                 // references to this mob
00272                 {
00273 /*
00274 CREATE TABLE zone_m (
00275   num int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
00276   zone int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00277   mobvnum int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00278   max int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00279   roomvnum int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00280   PRIMARY KEY  (num),
00281   KEY zone (zone,roomvnum,mobvnum)
00282 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
00283 */
00284                         sprintf(sql,"select * from zone_m where mobvnum=%ld",mob.num);
00285                         q.get_result(sql);
00286                         if (q.num_rows())
00287                         {
00288                                 Table tbl("#000000", 3, "&nbsp;Zone references to this Mob");
00289                                 printf("<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>");
00290                                 printf("<th>Zone</th>");
00291                                 printf("<th>Room</th>");
00292                                 printf("<th>Max</th>");
00293                                 printf("</tr>");
00294                                 while (q.fetch_row())
00295                                 {
00296                                         db::Zone_m x(db,&q);
00297                                         db::Zone zone(db,;
00298                                         db::Room room(db,x.roomvnum);
00299                                         printf("<tr bgcolor=#808080>");
00300 //                                      printf("<td>&nbsp;#%ld: %s&nbsp;</td>",zone.num,htmlcolor(;
00301                                         ShowZone(zone,true,true);
00302 //                                      printf("<td>&nbsp;#%ld: %s&nbsp;</td>",room.num,htmlcolor(;
00303                                         ShowRoom(room,true,true);
00304                                         printf("<td align=right>&nbsp;%ld&nbsp;</td>",x.max);
00305                                         printf("</tr>");
00306                                 }
00307                         }
00308                         if (q.num_rows())
00309                         {
00310                                 printf("<br>");
00311                         }
00312                         q.free_result();
00313 /*
00314 CREATE TABLE shop (
00315   num int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00316   percentsell decimal(7,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
00317   percentbuy decimal(7,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
00318   shopkeeper int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00319   loot int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00320   PRIMARY KEY  (num)
00321 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
00322 */
00323                         sprintf(sql,"select * from shop where shopkeeper=%ld",mob.num);
00324                         q.get_result(sql);
00325                         if (q.num_rows())
00326                         {
00327                                 Table tbl("#000000", 3, "&nbsp;Shopkeeper");
00328                                 printf("<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>");
00329                                 printf("<th>Zone</th>");
00330                                 printf("<th>Room</th>");
00331                                 printf("</tr>");
00332                                 while (q.fetch_row())
00333                                 {
00334                                         db::Shop shop(db,&q);
00335                                         db::Room room(db,shop.num);
00336                                         db::Zone zone(db,;
00337                                         printf("<tr bgcolor=#808080>");
00338 //                                      printf("<td>&nbsp;#%ld: %s&nbsp;</td>",zone.num,htmlcolor(;
00339                                         ShowZone(zone,true,true);
00340 //                                      printf("<td>&nbsp;#%ld: %s&nbsp;</td>",room.num,htmlcolor(;
00341                                         ShowRoom(room,true,true);
00342                                         printf("</tr>");
00343                                 }
00344                         }
00345                         if (q.num_rows())
00346                         {
00347                                 printf("<br>");
00348                         }
00349                         q.free_result();
00350                 }
00352                 // edit
00353                 {
00354                         Table tbl("#000000", 3);
00355                         long mobflags = asciiconvert(mob.mobflags);
00356                         long loadpos = asciiconvert(mob.loadpos);
00357                         long defpos = asciiconvert(mob.defaultpos);
00359                         printf("<form action=%s method=post>",GetCgiName().c_str());
00360                         printf("<input type=hidden name=onum value=%ld>",mob.num);
00362                         inputnum("Vnum", "num", mob.num);
00363                         inputstr("Alias","alias",40,mob.alias);
00364                         inputstr("MobName","name",60,,true);
00365                         textarea("Default Pos Description","dpd",mob.default_pos_description,true);
00366                         textarea("Description","descr",mob.description,true);
00367                         textarea("Long Description","longdescr",mob.long_description,true);
00368                         inputbit(q,"MobFlags","mobflags","select num,name from mob_action order by name",mobflags,4);
00369                         // class specific:
00370                         printf("<tr bgcolor=#ffffc0>");
00371                         printf("<td>Proficiencies</td>");
00372                         printf("<td><input type=text size=20 name=prof value=\"%s\">",mob.proficiencysphere);
00373                         printf(" (Class specific)");
00374                         printf("</td>");
00375                         printf("</tr>");
00377                         // Alignment
00378                         inputnum("Alignment", "alignment", mob.alignment);
00379                         inputselect(q,"Race","race","select num,alias from race where num>0 order by alias",mob.race);
00380                         inputselect(q,"ClassType","classtype","select num,alias from classes where num>0 order by alias",mob.classtype);
00381                         inputnum("Level", "level", mob.level);
00382                         inputnum("Thaco", "thaco", mob.thaco);
00383                         inputnum("AC", "ac",;
00384                         inputnum("MinHits", "minhits", mob.minhits);
00385                         inputnum("NumOfDice", "numofdice", mob.numofdice);
00386                         inputnum("DiceType", "dicetype", mob.dicetype);
00387                         inputnum("Copper", "copper", mob.copper);
00388                         inputnum("Experience", "exp", mob.experience);
00389                         inputbit(q,"LoadPos","loadpos","select num,name from mob_pos order by name",loadpos,4);
00390                         inputbit(q,"DefaultPos","defpos","select num,name from mob_pos order by name",defpos,4);
00391                         inputselect(q,"Sex","sex","select num,name from mob_sex order by num",;
00392                         inputsubmit(" Save ");
00394                         printf("</form>");
00395                 }
00396                 printf("<br>");
00397         }
00398 }
00401 } // namespace cgi
00405 /*
00406 CREATE TABLE mob (
00407   num int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00408   alias varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
00409   name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
00410   default_pos_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
00411   description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
00412   long_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
00413   MobFlags varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0',
00414   ProficiencySphere varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0',
00415   Alignment int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00416   Race int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00417   ClassType int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00418   Level int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00419   Thaco int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00420   AC int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00421   MinHits int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00422   NumOfDice int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00423   DiceType int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00424   PlusDam int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00425   Copper int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00426   Experience int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00427   LoadPos varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0',
00428   DefaultPos varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0',
00429   Sex int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
00430   PRIMARY KEY  (num)
00431 ) TYPE=MyISAM;
00432 */

Generated for Wolfshade by doxygen 1.3.6

Page, code, and content Copyright (C) 2004 by Anders Hedström