
Base64 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Base64, including all inherited members.

Base64(const Base64 &)Base64 [inline, private]
bstrBase64 [private, static]
decode(const std::string &, std::string &)Base64
decode(const std::string &, unsigned char *, size_t &)Base64
decode_length(const std::string &)Base64
encode(FILE *, std::string &, bool add_crlf=true)Base64
encode(IFile *, std::string &, bool add_crlf=true)Base64
encode(const std::string &, std::string &, bool add_crlf=true)Base64
encode(const char *, size_t, std::string &, bool add_crlf=true)Base64
encode(const unsigned char *, size_t, std::string &, bool add_crlf=true)Base64
operator=(const Base64 &)Base64 [inline, private]
rstrBase64 [private, static]
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